วันอังคารที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

invisible Ink

invisible Ink
Of the children do not like mysteries? Teach them to write secret messages to each other. Divide the children into two teams. One will prepare a secret message, and the other - to receive it.
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Secret message nobody should see. To prepare it, you need lemon juice or milk.
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Using a brush, make a message on a piece of paper and let it dry out a bit. Now adults do not know that there's something written.
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But it is necessary to warm up a little sheet, for example by means of iron, and the message can be read at once!
Comment by Professor Nicolas: "When we have a hot iron on a piece of paper, our" ink "just burn and become dark - that's why you can see them now!"
Gratitude for photographic materials and assistance in preparing this article, we thank Professor Nicolas. Many wonderful experiences you will find on his website "Scientific show mad professor Nicolas."
Or you can invite professors to him and hold interesting experiments together. And if you feel strong enough, you can buy kits for home runs.

Bridge of paper

Bridge of paper
Can paper be strong, as a bridge?
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Take an ordinary piece of paper and place it on top of the two glasses. Let the children try to put something on top. Paper sag under the weight, and the bridge will break.
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Prove that you do so now that the bridge will be made of paper so durable that it can pass even a car (of course, a toy). Fold the paper several times, so that it becomes like an accordion.
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Now the bridge is ready to withstand the most difficult test!
Comment by Professor Nicolas: "We had a real engineering work. Bending a piece of paper accordion, we have created the so-called ribs that give the strength of the assembly, which allowed the bridge to withstand the weight of even a glass of water! It'S Great
Conducting an experiment with Professor at the amazing show of Professor Nicolas.

flying porridge

flying porridge
After this experience, children will be more like porridge, especially such a magical, flying Hercules
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Pour into a bowl of oatmeal and a little inflate a balloon.
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Rub the ball on his head, uttering the magic words.
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Bring the ball to the porridge, and demonstrate how the flakes if acquired wings and flew to the ball.
Comment by Professor Nicolas: "In order to deal with the fact what kind of force made our flakes jump, you need to know here what an interesting fact. It turns out that the atoms that make up everything, everything, everything in the world can have both positive and negative charge. So, the particles with the same charge repel each other, and with different charges attract. When you potresh ball of hair, it will become negatively charged. Now, if it bring to flakes, a positively charged particle begins to reach for him, and flakes go up and then fall back! Wow
Even more interesting experiments in the book "The ABCs of experiments by Professor Nicolas."

diving bell

diving bell
And in order to secure for you the honorary title of Magus and Water Airbender, promise that you can deliver the paper to the bottom of any ocean (or even a bath or basin) without wetting it.
Let the present write their names on a sheet of paper.
We turn off the paper, remove it in a glass, so that it rested on his wall and slid down. Immerse a piece of glass upside down on the bottom of the tank.

Paper remains dry - water can not reach it! After the pull leaf - let the audience make sure he really dry.
Comment by Professor Nicolas: "If you take a glass with a piece of paper inside and look closely at it, it seems that there is nothing other than paper, but it is not, it has air.
When we turn the glass upside "down" and lowered into the water, the air does not allow water to get close to the paper, which is why it remains dry.
By the way, this property is used in a diving bell. "

Water in a sieve

Water in a sieve
We continue to explore the magical properties of water and the surroundings. Ask someone from the audience to pull the bandage and pour water through it. As we can see - it without any difficulty passes through the holes in the bandages.
Argue with others that can make it so that the water will not pass through the bandage without any additional devices.
Cut a piece of bandage
Wrap a bandage or a glass of champagne glass.

Turn the glass - water does not come out!
Comment by Professor Nicolas: "Thanks to this property of water as the surface tension of water molecules want to be together all the time and they are not so easy to separate (Here they are wonderful girlfriends!). And if the hole size is small (as in our case), the film does not break even under the weight of the water! "


Pump out the candles

Pump out the candles
Can a candle to change the laws of gravity and lift the water up?

Put a candle on a saucer and lights it.

Pour colored water in the saucer
Cover with a glass candle. After a while, the water would be lured into a glass against the laws of gravity.
Comment by Professor Nicolas: "What makes a pump? Changes the pressure increases (then water or air begin to "run away") or, on the contrary, decreases (gas or liquid then begin to "come"). When we covered a burning candle cup, candle went out, the air inside the cup is cold, and so the pressure decreased, so the water from the bowl and became absorbed into ".
Games and experiments with water and fire is in the book "Experiments Professor Nicolas."

soap volcano

soap volcano
How to make a house a small eruption of a volcano?
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You will need a soda, vinegar, a little detergent chemistry glassware and cardboard.
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Dilute vinegar in water, add detergent liquid and tint all iodine.
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Wrap all dark cardboard - this is the "body" of the volcano. Pinch of baking soda in a glass falls and the volcano begins to erupt.
Comment by Professor Nicolas: "As a result of the interaction of vinegar and baking soda there a real chemical reaction of carbon dioxide. A liquid soap and dye interacts with carbon dioxide to form a colored lather - that eruption. "