วันอังคารที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

science show 2

Experience with soda
Surely at home or in a nearby store for a holiday there a few cans of soda. Before you drink them, ask the children a question: "What would happen if the banks plunge with soda in the water?"
Drown? Will float? Depends on soda.

Ask the children to advance to guess what will happen with some banks and conducted experiments.
Take the banks and gently lowered into the water.
It turns out that despite the same amount, they have a different weight. That is why some banks are drowning, and others do not.
Comment by Professor Nicolas: "All of our banks have the same volume, but the mass of each bank is different, which means that the density is different. What is density? This mass divided by volume. Since the volume of all the cans in the same, the density is higher in one of them, whose mass is greater.
Whether the bank float in the container or sink, depending on the ratio of its density to that of water. If the density is less than the banks, it will be on the surface, otherwise the bank will sink.
But due to what the bank with the usual cola denser (heavier) than the bank with diet drinks?
The thing is sugar! Unlike conventional cola, which is used as a sweetener in sugar, add a special diet sweetener, which weighs much less. So how much sugar in a conventional bank with soda? The difference in weight between the regular and diet soda analogue will give us the answer! "

